onsdag den 9. november 2011

Sharing Cafe Aroma in Islands Brygge

One of the sharers recently went to visit a cafe called Aroma. It's right next to the Islands Brygge metro station which is located on Amager. They have some interesting sandwiches, that you can eat inside or take with you. 

The best thing was the apple juice... or actually it is something slightly different from apple juice, called 'æblemost'. Æblemost is like apple juice, but has no added sugar and is produced by crushing the apples.

Æblemost is used as an ingredient in many types of mixed juice because it is relatively inexpensive and has a mild flavor. It should be made with undiluted apple juice without added sugar. In Germany, they have a similar but less sweet drink called Apfelschorle which is 'æblemost' mixed with sparkling water. Yum!

Islands Brygge's peak season is in the summer when the weather is sizzling. The locals retreat here to get a break form the inner city heat by taking a swim, drinking cold beers, bbqing and generally chilling on the green and airy spots near the harbour. The café is therefore a very good place to visit during the varmer months.

I had a bean/chili sandwich which was nice and tasty, but the waiter didn't put it on a plate, so it was a bit difficult to eat and the beans just popped out everywhere. I made quite a mess ;) A sandwich is about 48 DKK. To convert to your currency go to the currency converter.

You can read more about cafe Aroma on facebook.

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